Drakmah | Biografia | Brani | Discografia | Concerti | Album | Discography | Testi

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Informazioni Drakmah | 0 Fan!

Sono un gruppo musicale.
Anno Formazione Gruppo: 2015

Drakmah are an alternative electronic band.

They have released a Best Song Award-winner (Oniros Film Awards) debut single in May 2017.

This ensemble was born with the purpose to satisfy our need to explore different musical worlds, whether those are deserted and cold or fertile and filled with life.

We love to combine opposing genres, instruments and ways of thinking and the key is to find a constant and necessary compromise.

Nothing else lies in Drakmah’s core and roots; indeed the foundation itself is due to David and Panda’s will to blend their nature, filled with electronic influences, with the (not necessarily) different ones of Mario and Gian, both closer to a more instrumental tradition.

Each and every new song is a unique opportunity to get to now ourselves better, to experiment and keep growing; there’s no goal or finish line, just another start. That’s our way to reach out to you and guide you into our world.

Their latest release Storyteller - EP is out in March 2018.

Stefano Mattozzi a.k.a. The Learning Panda
David Rapicano
Mario Manzoni
Gianmarco Angelone

They have released a Best Song Award-winner (Oniros Film Awards) debut single in May 2017.

Their latest release Storyteller - EP is out in March 2018.

Come e dove seguire la Band Drakmah

Genere Musicale

- Musica elettronica


Giorno di pubblicazione 26-03-2020
1. 26 --> Proponi testo
2. Promises --> Proponi testo

Anno di pubblicazione 2018
1. Hear --> Proponi testo
2. Blackout --> Proponi testo
3. Ithaca --> Proponi testo
4. Storyteller --> Proponi testo

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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