Go_A | Biografia | Brani | Discografia | Concerti | Album | Discography | Testi

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Informazioni Go_A | 0 Fan!
Provenienza: Ucraina
Sono un gruppo musicale.


Go_A are an electro-folklore outfit, that specialise in the modern retelling of traditional Ukrainian stories that have already passed through many generations by word of mouth.

The story of the band began in 2012 when producer Taras Shevchenko met singer Kateryna Pavlenko, and after recording several songs, they realised that Ukrainian folklore and electronic music are a perfect match, combining energy and emotions into an engaging mix.

Kateryna has studied folklore most of her life. She sings using the ancient folklore technique of “white voice” (based on an open throat and free volume with a bright colour) and has a command of extreme vocals.

Taras Shevchenko is a keyboard and percussion player and is Go_A’s producer. He works in various music styles and knows how to harmonise completely different things in music, like the Ukrainian sopilka and Brazilian drums, or the bandura with heavy guitar riffs and drum ‘n’...

Clicca per vedere la biografia completa di Go_A

Come e dove seguire la Band Go_A

Eventi e concorsi a cui ha partecipato

in classifica
Anno 2021
Brano Shum


Altri Brani
1. Shum

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

Playlist Spotify

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