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Informazioni Destiny's Child | 0 Fan!

Formazione gruppo musicale:

Personaggio Televisivo
Anno Formazione Gruppo: 1997
Anno in cui il gruppo si e' sciolto: 2006

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Destiny's Child

Genere Musicale

- Contemporary R&B - Pop - Hip hop soul

Destiny's Child

Love Songs
Anno di pubblicazione 2013
1. Cater 2 U
2. Love
3. Say My Name
4. Temptation
5. T­-shirt
6. If You Leave
7. Emotion
8. If
9. Brown Eyes
10. Now That She's Gone
11. Heaven
12. Second Nature
13. Killing Time
14. Nuclear

Anno di pubblicazione 2012
1. Bootylicious
2. Soldier
3. Bills, Bills, Bills
4. Girl
5. So Good
6. Lose My Breath
7. Survivor
8. No, No, No, Part II
9. Say My Name
10. Independent Women, Part I
11. Jumpin', Jumpin'
12. Emotion (The Neptunes Remix)
13. Bug A Boo
14. Illusion

Anno di pubblicazione 2005
1. Stand Up For Love
2. Cater 2 U
3. No, No, No Part 2
4. Girl
5. Bills, Bills, Bills
6. Bootylicious
7. Bug A Boo
8. Emotion
9. Say My Name
10. Lose My Breath
11. Jumpin, Jumpin
12. Check On It
13. Soldier
14. Survivor
15. Independent Women I
16. Feel The Same Way I Do

Destiny Fulfilled
Anno di pubblicazione 2004
1. Lose My Breath
2. Game Over
3. Love
4. Through With Love
5. Free
6. If
7. Bad Habit
8. Girl
9. Is She The Reason?
10. T-Shirt
11. Cater 2 U
12. Soldier
13. Why You Actin'

8 Days Of Christmas
Anno di pubblicazione 2001
1. 8 Days Of Christmas
2. This Christmas
3. Spread A Little Love On Christmas Day
4. O' Holy Night
5. Platinum Bells
6. White Christmas
7. Do You Hear What I Hear
8. The Little Drummer Boy
9. Silent Night
10. A Dc Christmas Medley
11. Winter Paradise
12. Opera Of The Bells

Anno di pubblicazione 2001
1. Survivor
2. My Heart Still Beats
3. Gospel Medley
4. The Story of Beauty
5. Brown Eyes
6. Dangerously In Love
7. Emotion
8. Happy Face
9. Independent Women Part II
10. Sexy Daddy
11. Apple Pie A La Mode
12. Fancy
13. Nasty Girl
14. Bootylicious
15. Independent Women Part I (Charlie's Angels Soundtr...

The Writing‘s On The Wall
Anno di pubblicazione 1999
1. Intro (The Writing's On The Wall)
2. Amazing Grace
3. Sweet Sixteen
4. Stay
5. She Can't Love You
6. Say My Name
7. Jumpin' Jumpin'
8. If You Leave
9. Hey Ladies
10. Now That She's Gone
11. Temptations
12. Bug-A-Boo
13. Confessions
14. Bills, Bills, Bills
15. So Good
16. Where'd You Go?

Destiny‘s Child
Anno di pubblicazione 1998
1. Second Nature
2. Sail On
3. Birthday
4. Illusion (feat. Wyclef Jean & Pras)
5. Killing Time
6. Show Me The Way
7. With Me Part II (feat. Master P)
8. No, No, No, Part I
9. Bridges
10. Tell Me
11. With Me Part I
12. No, No, No, Part II (feat. Wyclef Jean)
13. My Time Has Come

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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