Ramones | Motorhead | Supertesti.it


Testo Ramones

New York City, N.Y.C.,
Pretty mean when it wants to be,
Black leather,knee-hole pants,
Can‘t play no high school dance,
Fuzz tone,hear ‘em go,
Hear ‘em on the radio,

Misfits, twilight zone,
Bad boy rock,bad boy roll,
Gabba gabba,see them go,
C,Jay now hit the gas,
Hear Marky kick some ass,
Go Johnny,go, go, go Tommy o-way-o,

Bad boys then, bad boys now,
Good buddies,mau [3],keep it up,
Rock‘n‘roll,good music save your soul,
Dee Dee, he left home,
Joey call me the phone.

Playlist Spotify

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