Suicide | Motorhead |


Testo Suicide

The night is mine, it burns so black,
And there will be no morning light,
The human race‘s foul disease,
Will keep the morning from our sight,
Why can‘t we say the secret word,
Respect for nothing, fire or flood,
Expect no quarter, no reprieve,
We writhe and grin in our own blood,

No sun just clouds and poison rain,
Raped and freezing,
Victims of the dream again,

Truly our days are darker now,
We lie and cheat, to our own selves,
If we do this, I ask you how,
Can we speak truth to someone else,
There is no way, no road at all,
We are destroyed, by our own plan,
The air we breathe will kill us all,
And no one left to give a damn,

No sun just clouds and poison rain,
Raped and feezing,
Victims of the dream again,

Stay clean, be true,
do whatever you can do,
Make it soon, or we all die,
Ten thousand years, and all we got is Suicide,
If there be Gods, then tell me why,
They make us kill and kill again,
One hundred thousand thousand years,
No mercy in the minds of men,
What is the word that we should read,
What incantation should we say,
How can we ask for justice now,
When all the world is blown away,

No sun, no hope the world is sun insane,
Raped and freezing,
Victims of the dream again,
Stay clean, be true,
Make it soon, or we all die,
Ten thousand years, and all we got is Suicide

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