Gangsta | Stefflon Don |


Testo Gangsta

Oh, I see you, met you in the club last night
When I see you, you was turning me on, on last night
You was flossing all them niggas, too
Doing things that all these niggas do
Doing things that real niggas do
| see your swag, I‘m feeling how you move
You got that gangster shit on lock
That‘s why I fuck with you from the top
I love the way you move
He love the way I rock
I‘ll let him watch, now my phone line blowing up
I‘m about to screenshot, everything you said
Don‘t worry, I‘ll send it to my best friend
I‘m about to screenshot everything you said
But babe, don‘t worry, it‘s going to my best friend

I really like you, I really fuck with you
I love the way you, I love the way you move
Keep it consistent, we just might fornicate
I‘m a good girl, plugging away, away at your phone

I‘m fucking with a real gangster, nigga
Plugging away, away at your phone
I‘m fucking with a real gangster, nigga
Plugging away, away at your phone
Where you bought them bottles?

You make that bottle rock
You got them niggas
You and your niggas‘ gangster
Yeah, met you in the club last night
When I see you, you was turning me on, on last night
Yeah, you brought them bottles out
I swear you went the whole round
And them girls is at the door
Seen you pull up in that vehicle
You was flossing all them niggas, too
Doing things that all these niggas do
Doing things that real niggas do
| see your swag, I‘m feeling how you move
You got that gangster shit on lock
That‘s why I fuck with you from the top
I love the way you move
He love the way I rock
I‘ll let him watch, now my phone line blowing up
I‘m about to screenshot everything you said
Don‘t worry, I‘ll send it to my best friend
I‘m about to screenshot everything you said
Oh babe, don‘t worry, it‘s going to my best friend

I really like you, I really fuck with you
I love the way you, I love the way you move
Keep it consistent, we just might fornicate
I‘m a good girl, plugging away, away at your phone

L‘m fucking with a real gangster, nigga
Plugging away, away at your phone
I‘m fucking with a real gangster, nigga
Plugging away, away at your phone
Where you bought them bottles?
You make that bottle rock
You got them niggas

You and your niggas‘ gangster
Yeah, you and your niggas‘ gangster Gangster
You and your niggas‘ gangster
You and your niggas‘ gangster

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