Intro | Stefflon Don |


Testo Intro

Because The Don is coming
Ah, rubbish, that‘s all a myth
Another rapper talking about cars they don‘t own
Shut up, Charlie!
Show some respect, get down on one knee
She flew on a jet and came from overseas
Oh, she‘s a spy, she‘s burning my eyes
Look to the sky!
It‘s a bird, it‘s a plane, it‘s a Don!

The Don is coming
She‘s coming, she‘s coming, she‘s coming, she‘s coming
The Don is coming
Make way, here she comes, ring bells, start drummjng
The Don is coming
Pele for the Gods, she don‘t worry ‘bout nothin
The Don is coming
She‘s coming, she‘s coming, she‘s coming, she‘s coming
The Don, The Don, The Don, The Don
The Don, The Don, Don

I have arrived in gold laced to my shoes
Ghetto but elegant, sky ribbon poles
Making them come, follow my lead
Tell the whole world how you‘d die for me
There‘s no girl in town admired as you
(Extra, extra, spread the news)
Everyone‘s inspired by you
Why play safe, I got nothing to lose
(Nothing to lose?)
Nah, just something to prove
What can I say, through my veins running truth
Never gave up, I kept fighting until they acknowledge
The Don is on her dawning

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