Aries | Supertramp |


Testo Aries

(Right, let‘s get the whole thing cooking)

I try to run in a different race
But every time I seem to loose face
Making it hard it‘s easy
But I got to keep trying to lessen my pace

I try to walk down a city-street
I say hello to the people I meet
They‘re walking their way and thinking I‘m crazy
But I have so much trouble just to keeping the beat

Well my way of life is simple
‘Cause I just do what I please
Whatever I was blessing
Well it worn‘t to laugh at me

Maybe I‘m just a country boy
Hinging life bringing no joy
Well it‘s bringing me down, it‘s making me lonely
You see I‘m fooling with a life and it ain‘t no toy

Well my way of life is simple
‘Cause I just do what I please
And whenever I got problems
I just call upon Aries

Here she comes
Here she comes

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