Travelled | Supertramp |


Testo Travelled

Travelled the world a million ways,
Catching upon a familiar gaze
Everyone lives by do or die,
there‘s noone with time to laugh or cry
There‘s noone to tell us what we‘re living for...

And though I try to be a good man,
I just know that I‘ll be losing very soon
And there are times and there are motions,
when I do believe I‘m going out
of tune...oh..

I‘ve been around a long,long while,
looking for sun to make me smile
Still multiplty the daily bread,
their thinking of lives for times ahead
It must be a mighty funny way to feel...

And though I try to be a good man,
I keep finding there‘s no where to begin
And so I think I‘ll go on singing,
and in time I hope that we can all join



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