A Different Kind Of Christmas | Canzoni di Natale | Supertesti.it

A Different Kind Of Christmas

Testo A Different Kind Of Christmas

The lights around the Christmas tree don‘t burn as bright
And all around the world it isn‘t a silent night
Outside I hear the voices sing the sweetest sounds of caroling
But somehow there‘s a sadness in the song
In our hearts we know that something‘s wrong

It‘s a different kind of Christmas
In a different kind of world
Even though it looks the same

Everything has changed
It‘s a different kind of Christmas

Children opening gifts with wonder and surprise
I wish that I could still see through such innocent eyes
I used to feel so safe inside I had a place to run and hide
In my daddy‘s arms I felt secure
No one can protect us anymore


Everything has changed
It‘s a different kind of Christmas

Sending cards that talk of peace and love and cheer
Oh that‘s what we need if we‘d only believe
It would be!


Everything has changed
It‘s a different kind of Christmas

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