All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth | Canzoni di Natale |

All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth

Testo All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth

Every body stops
And stares at me
These two teeth are
Gone as you can see
I don‘t know just who
To blame for this catastrophe!
But my one wish on Christmas Eve
Is as plain as it can be!

All I want for Christmas
Is my two front teeth,
My two front teeth,
See my two front teeth!

Gee, if I could only
Have my two front teeth,
Then I could with you
"Merry Christmas."
It seems so long since I could say,
"Sister Susie sitting on a thistle!"

Gosh oh gee, how happy I‘d be,
If I could only whistle (thhhh)

All I want for Christmas
Is my two front teeth,
My two front teeth,
See my two front teeth.
Gee, if I could only
Have my two front teeth,
Then I could wish you
"Merry Christmas!"

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