Angels And Shepherds | Canzoni di Natale |

Angels And Shepherds

Testo Angels And Shepherds

Hark all ye shepherds, come join in our song.
Hark all ye shepherds, for Jesus is born.
Lo he is lying, born in a manger,
Jesus, annointed to be our Savior. Alleluia!

Hark all ye shepherds, arise from your sheep.
Hark all ye shepherds, the Christ child asleep.
Mary, the mother, quietly singing,
From God to man salvation is bringing. Alleluia!

Angels adore him, men bow before him, heaven and earth proclaim!
Prophets of old his coming foretold and men ever praise his name.
Come and adore him, Jesus our Savior,
He dwells among us, now and forever. Alleluia!

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