Bells Will Be Ringing | Canzoni di Natale |

Bells Will Be Ringing

Testo Bells Will Be Ringing

Bells will be ringing, the glad, glad news;
Oh, what a Christmas, to have the blues;
My baby‘s gone;
I have no friends;
To wish me greetings, once again;
Choirs will be singing, Silent Night
Oh, Christmas Carols, by candlelight;

Please come home for Christmas;
Please come home for Christmas;
If not for Christmas, by New Year‘s Night;

Friends and relations;
Send salutations;
Just as sure as the stars shine above;

This is Christmas, Christmas my dear;
The time of year to be with the one that you love;

Then will you tell me, you‘ll never more roam;
Christmas and New Year will find you home;
There‘ll be no more sorrow;
No grief or pain;
‘Cause I‘ll be happy that it‘s Christmas once again

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