Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) | Canzoni di Natale |

Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)

Testo Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)

The snow‘s coming down
I‘m watching it fall
Lots of people around
Baby please come home

The church bells in town
All ringing in song
Full of happy sounds
Baby please come home

They‘re singing "Deck The Halls"
But it‘s not like Christmas at all
Cuz I remember when you were here
And all the fun we had last year

Pretty lights on the tree
I‘m watching them shine
You should be here with me
Baby please come home

They‘re singing "Deck The Halls"
But it‘s not like Christmas at all
Cuz I remember when you were here
And all the fun we had last year

If there was a way
I‘d hold back this tear
But it‘s Christmas day
Baby please come home
Baby please come home
Baby please come home
Baby please come home

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