Christmas In Dixie | Canzoni di Natale |

Christmas In Dixie

Testo Christmas In Dixie

By now in New York City.
There‘s snow on the ground.
And out in California.
The sunshines‘ falling down.
And maybe down in Memphis,
Graceland‘s all in lights.
And in Atlanta, Georgia,
There‘s peace on earth tonight.

Christmas in Dixie.
It‘s snowing in the pines.
Merry Christmas from Dixie
To everyone tonight.

It‘s windy in Chicago.
The kids are out of school.
There‘s magic in Motown.
The city‘s on the move.
In Jackson, Mississippi
To Charlotte, Caroline.
And all across the Nation,
Its a peaceful Christmas time.

Christmas in Dixie.
Its snowing in the pines.
Merry Christmas from Dixie,
To everyone tonight.
And from Fort Payne, Alabama...
Merry Christmas tonight

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