Little Christmas Tree | Canzoni di Natale |

Little Christmas Tree

Testo Little Christmas Tree

I watch the snow flakes fall
Against my window pane
And wonder if you
Are watching snow flakes too

I take a walk downtown
To where you used to meet me
Theres joy everywhere
But all thats waiting there

Is just a little Christmas tree
Lookin sorta sad n lonely just like me
Noone seems to care
They just went away
And left it standing there
All alone on Christmas Eve

I hear the Christmas bell
The happy people singing
The songs of good cheer
That only brings me tears

I sadly close my eyes
And say a little prayer
You‘ll be waiting there for me
I look but all I see

Is just a little Christmas tree
Lookin sorta sad n lonely just like me
Noone seems to care
They just went away and left it standing there
All alone on Christmas eve

This is the season of love
But I‘m as sad as I can be
Why did you have to leave me

Oh little Christmas tree
Lookin sorta sad n lonely just like me
Noone seems to care
They just went away
And left it standing there
All alone on Christmas Eve

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