Miss You Most At Christmas | Canzoni di Natale | Supertesti.it

Miss You Most At Christmas

Testo Miss You Most At Christmas

The fire is burning
The room‘s all aglow
Outside the December wind blows
Away in the distance the carolers sing in the snow
Everybody‘s laughing
The world is celebrating
And everyone‘s so happy
Except for me tonight

Because I miss you
Most at Christmas time
And I can‘t get you
Get you off my mind
Every other season comes along
And I‘m all right
But then I miss you, most at Christmas time

I gaze out the window
This cold winter‘s night
At all of the twinkling lights
Alone in the darkness
Remembering when you were mine
Everybody‘s smiling
The whole world is rejoicing
And everyone‘s embracing
Except for you and I

Baby I miss you
Most at Christmas time
And I can‘t get you
Get you off my mind
Every other season comes along
And I‘m all right
But then I miss you, most at Christmas time

In the springtime those memories start to fade
With the April rain
Through the summer days
Till autumn‘s leaves are gone
I get by without you
Till the snow begins to fall

And then I miss you
Most at Christmas time
And I can‘t get you
Get you off my mind
Every other season comes along
And I‘m all right...
But then I miss you, most at Christmas time

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