Once Upon A Christmas | Canzoni di Natale | Supertesti.it

Once Upon A Christmas

Testo Once Upon A Christmas

Once upon a Christmas far away in Bethlehem
Mary being great with child had no place to lie down
So Joseph found a stable in which Mary had her child
Once upon a Christmas was the birth of Jesus Christ

Once upon a Christmas in a manger far away
A King was born His palace was a manger filled with hay
His royal robe was swaddling cloth a halo was His crown
Once upon a Christmas away in Bethlehem

And all the world rejoiced because the King was born at last
A savior had been promised now it had come to pass
And the joyful news that He was born spread quickly far and wide
Once upon a Christmas was the birth of Jesus Christ

Once upon a Christmas from the Far East wise men came
With gold and myrrh and frankincense to praise the newborn King
And shepherds left their flocks and came to see and worship Him
Once upon a Christmas away in Bethlehem

And all the world rejoiced because the King was born at last
A savior had been promised now it had come to pass
And the joyful news that He was born spread quickly far and wide
Once upon a Christmas was the birth of Jesus Christ

Once upon a Christmas far away in Bethlehem

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