Unto Us A Boy Is Born | Canzoni di Natale | Supertesti.it

Unto Us A Boy Is Born

Testo Unto Us A Boy Is Born

Unto us a boy is born,
King of all creation:
Cradled in a stall was He,
The Lord of every nation,
The Lord of every nation.

Cradled in a stall was he
With sleepy cows and asses;
But the very beasts could see
That He all men surpasses.

Herod then with fear was filled:
‘A prince‘, he said, ‘In Jewry!‘
All little boys be killed
At Bethl‘em in his fury.

Now may Mary‘s Son, who came
So long ago to love us,
Lead us all with hearts aflame
Unto the joys above us.

Omega and Alpha He!
Let the organ thunder,
While the choir with peals of glee
Doth rend the air asunder.

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