Wake The Dead | Mikkey Dee | Supertesti.it

Wake The Dead

Testo Wake The Dead

When your name is spoken
Then Your soul awakes as well
And there is n limit to the power of the spell
You can never leave it
You can never let it lie
You must find the speaker
For one of you must die

The name, the name, the name, the name‘s the same
All your lives are on the line
All your lives are on the line
And all your life you know you‘re dying

What you know, you must not tell
What you know, you must not sell
All the secrets you can keep
All the lies you cannot speak
Everybody steals your time
Thousand voices in your head
Everybody, everybody
Shouting fit to wake the dead

When you see the devil
Then you‘re looking for relief
And there is no relief
And there is no justice
Keep your tongue between your teeth
You can be the devil
But you cannot count the cost
All your time is wasted
All your love is lost

The name, the name, the name‘s the same
Play the game
You can never be the one
You can never be the one
When you know all your love is gone

What you know, you must not tell
What you know, you must not sell
All the secrets you can keep
All the lies you cannot speak
Everybody steals your time
Remember me, what I said
Everybody, everybody
Shouting fit to wake the dead

When you are alone here
In the houses of the blind
Don‘t you ever wonder what happened to the time?
You cannot regain it
You cannot bring it back
Stretched out on the rack

The name, the name, the name‘s the same
The name, the name‘s the game
You will never know the truth
You will never know the truth
We both know you will never look

What you have is yours, my friend
You will never see the end
All your future gone to hell
All your past an empty shell
You can;t kep upon your secret shelf
You are not the Antichrist
You are not the Lord of Flies
You are not important now
You are not the one to dread
Everybody, everybody
The name, the name‘s the game

Playlist Spotify

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