Carnation | Oasis |


Testo Carnation

If you gave me a fresh carnation
i would only crush it‘s tender petals
with me you‘ll have no escape
and at the same time there‘ll be nowhere to settle

i trample down all life in my wake
i eat it up and take the cake
i just avert my eyes to the pain
of someone‘s loss helping my gain

if you gave me a dream for my pocket
you‘d be plugging in the wrong socket
with me there‘s no room for the future
with me there‘s no room with a view at all

I am out of season all year ‘round
Hear machinery roar to my empty sound
Touch my heart and feel winter
Hold my hand and be doomed forever

If you gave me a fresh carnation
I would only crush it‘s tender petals
With me you‘ll have now escape
And at the same time there‘ll be nowhere to settle

And if you‘re wondering by now who I am
Look no further than the mirror
Because I am the Greed and Fear
And every ounce of Hate in you

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