Help! | Oasis |


Testo Help!

The whispering call of evening falls upon the waiting mortal earWith many tales it never fails to draw upon all your fearsThe evidence and circumstance revealed by the mornings lightWould lead one to believe that something evil walks the nightOh something evil walks this nightIn the whispering shadows where it hidesThe great deceiver conjures your demiseOh something evil walks this nightAncient lore and scripture tells of such things that this may beThe one who filled the heart of CainAnd brought the world calamityThe serpents of the garden, the bright ands hining oneThe rioter and crucifier of the one begotten SonOh something evil walks this nightIn the whispering shadows where it hidesThe great destroyer conjures you to dieOh something evil walks this nightBetter Light your lampBetter keep the Fire highFor somethng evil walks this nightIt walks this night!The king of hell destroys with hatred in his eyesThe homicidal flames are raging in his eyes

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