Lyla | Oasis |


Testo Lyla

Calling all the stars to fall
And catch the silver sunlight in your hands
Call for me to set me free
Lift me up and take me where I stand

She believes in everything
And everyone and you and yours and mine
I waited for a thousand years
For you to come and blow me out my mind

The stars about to fall...
So what you say LYLA
The world around us makes me feel so
Small LYLA
If you can‘t hear me call
Then I can‘t say LYLA
Heaven help you catch me if I fall

She‘s the queen of all I‘ve seen
And every song and city far and near
Heaven help me mademoiselle
She rings the bell for all the world to hear

Hey Lyla
The stars about to fall
So what you say LYLA
The world around us makes me feel so
Small Lyla
If you can‘t hear me call
Then I can‘t say Lyla
Heaven help you catch me when I fall

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