Electric Funeral | Ian Gillan | Supertesti.it

Electric Funeral

Testo Electric Funeral

Reflex in the sky warn you you‘re gonna die
Storm coming, you‘d better hide from the atomic tide
Flashes in the sky turns houses into sties
Turns people into clay, radiation minds decay
Robot minds of robot slaves lead them to atomic rage
Plastic flowers, melting sun, fading moon falls upon
Dying world of radiation, victims of mad frustration
Burning globe of oxy‘n fire, like electric funeral pyre
Buildings crashing down to a cracking ground
Rivers turn to wood, ice melting to flood
Earth lies in death bed, clouds cry water dead
Tearing life away, here‘s the burning pay
Electric Funeral
Electric Funeral
Electric Funeral
Electric Funeral
And so in the sky shines the electric eye
Supernatural king takes earth under his wing
Heaven‘s golden chorus sings, Hell‘s angels flap their wings
Evil souls fall to Hell, ever trapped in burning cells!

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