Yellow Raincoat | Justin Bieber |

Yellow Raincoat

Testo Yellow Raincoat

Guess i‘ll put on my raincoat, my yellow raincoat
Baby it‘s keeping me dry
I put on my raincoat, my yellow raincoat
You know exactly why

When the wind blows, and the sun goes away
And the sand fall, stormy day, it‘s a destroyer, this is for you
And as it pours down, the water sprinkles off my chest, it‘s destroyer, it‘s likeis to ya

Whenever I do have it, do I have it, want this to face me
Whenever I do have it, do I want this thing to make me
Cause the fame, and the money, and the girl will drive you crazy
Another he said, she said, i‘m thinking maybe
Just put on...

Guess i‘ll put on my raincoat, my yellow raincoat
Baby it‘s keeping me dry
I put on my raincoat, my yellow raincoat
You know exactly why

But as I look around, I see, when i‘m thinking never, change me
Well all I gotta do, is stay me
Let‘s the rest do the work and i‘ll show that i‘ll be fine, be fine

When the wind blows, and the sun goes away
And the sand fall, storming me dead, it‘s a destroyer, this is for you
And as it pours down, the water sprinkles off my chest, it‘s destroyer, it‘s like is to ya

Whenever I do have it, do I have it, want this to face me
Whenever I do have it, do I want this thing to make me
Cause the fame, and the money, and the girl will drive you crazy
Another he said, she said, i‘m thinking maybe
Just put on...

Guess i‘ll put on my raincoat, my yellow raincoat
Baby it‘s keeping me dry
I put on my raincoat, my yellow raincoat
You know exactly why

Turutu turutu...

Guess i‘ll put on my raincoat, my yellow raincoat
Baby it‘s keeping me dry
I put on my raincoat, my yellow raincoat
You know exactly why

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