Dangerous | Depeche Mode | Supertesti.it


Testo Dangerous

The things you doAren‘t good for my healthThe moves you makeYou make for yourselfThe means you useAren‘t meant to confuseAlthough they doThey‘re the ones that I would chooseAnd I wouldn‘t want it any other wayYou wouldn‘t let me anywayDangerousThe way you leave me wanting moreDangerousThat‘s what I want you forDangerousWhen I am in your armsDangerousKnow I will come to harmThe lies you tellAren‘t meant to deceivehTey‘re not thereFor me to believeI‘ve heardYour vicious wordsYou know by nowIt takes a lot to see me hurtAnd I couldn‘t take it any other wayBut there‘s a price I have to pay

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