Lillian | Depeche Mode |


Testo Lillian

Oh, Lillian
Look what you‘ve done
You‘ve stripped my heart
Ripped it apart
In the name of fun

Oh, Lillian
I‘m a poor man‘s son
And precious jewels
Weren‘t found in schools
Where I came from

Pain and misery always hit the spot
Knowing you can‘t lose what you haven‘t got

Oh, Lillian
I should have run
I should have known
Each dress you own
Is a loaded gun

Oh, Lillian

Oh, Lillian
I need protection
I hear your voice
And any choice I had is gone

Oh, Lillian
Once I begun
I couldn‘t stop
‘til every drop of blood was sung

Pain and misery always hit the spot
Knowing you can‘t lose what you haven‘t got

Oh, Lillian
Look what you‘ve done
You stripped my heart
Ripped it apart
In the name of fun

Oh, Lillian
Oh, Lillian
Oh, Lillian
Oh, Lillian

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