Long Time Lie | Depeche Mode | Supertesti.it

Long Time Lie

Testo Long Time Lie

It‘s been a while since you did something
And that‘s too long since you complained
Can sit around here doing nothing everyday!
You‘re the kind who points a finger
I understand that I‘m helping you
You have delusions and some spaced out fantasies
It‘s what you do!

It leaves you all alone in the glory
...catch you down to size
You try to make you believe in all of his lies!
It‘s been a long, long, long, long time
It‘s been a long, long, long, long time
Long time life!

I talk to ever look in a mirror
I thought you know it‘s so much more
Locked up inside that box behind your door!
All your twisted conversations
When you‘re sitting all alone
Just remember we know your secret while you moan!

It leaves you all alone in the glory
...catch you down to size
You try to make you believe in all of his lies!
It‘s been a long, long, long, long time
It‘s been a long, long, long, long time
Long time life!

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