Perfect | Depeche Mode |


Testo Perfect

On another world by another star at another place and time
In another state of consciousness in another state of mind
Everything was almost perfect, everything fell into place,
That you may reach a different verdict,
If all the judges missed the case

In a parallel universe that‘s happening right now
Things between us must be worse but it‘s hard to see just how

And everything could have been perfect
Everything in the right place
Then I wouldn‘t have to play the suspect
Accused, abandoned and disgraced

I didn‘t choose, i didn‘t pull the trigger
It wasn‘t me, i‘m just a plain and simple singer
I heard the sound, i turned my head around
To watch our love shot down

In another lonely universe, we‘re laying side by side
Well no-ones hurt and no-ones cursed and no one needs to hide

And everything is almost perfect
Everything is almost right
There are never any conflicts
There are never any fights

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