The Meaning Of Love | Depeche Mode |

The Meaning Of Love

Testo The Meaning Of Love

I‘ve read more than a hundred books
Seeing love mentioned many thousand times
But despite all the places I‘ve looked
It‘s still no clearer
It‘s just not enough
I‘m still no nearer
The meaning of love

Noted down all my observations
Spent an evening watching television
Still I couldn‘t say with precision
Know it‘s a feeling and it comes from above
But what‘s the meaning
The meaning of love
(Tell me)

From the notes that I‘ve made so far
Love seems something like wanting a scar
But I could be wrong
I‘m just not sure you see
I‘ve never been in love before
Next I asked several friends of mine
If they could spare a few minutes of their time
Their looks suggested that I‘ve lost my mind
Tell me the answer
My Lord high above
Tell me the meaning
The meaning of love

From the notes that I‘ve made so far
Love seems something like wanting a scar
But I could be wrong
I‘m just not sure you see
I‘ve never been in love before
The meaning of love
(Tell me)
Tell me the meaning of love
(Tell me)

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