Carol | Chuck Berry |


Testo Carol

Oh Carol, don‘t let him steal your heart away
I‘m gonna learn to dance if it takes me all night and day

Climb into my machine so we can cruise on out
I know a swingin‘ little joint where we can jump and shout
It‘s not too far back off the highway, not so long a ride
You park your car out in the open, you can walk inside
A little cutie takes your hat and you can thank her, ma‘am
Every time you make the scene you find the joint is jammed

Oh Carol, don‘t let him steal your heart away
I‘m gonna learn to dance if it takes me all night and day

And if you wanna hear some music like the boys are playin‘
Hold tight, pat your foot, don‘t let ‘em carry it away
Don‘t let the heat overcome you when they play so loud
Oh, don‘t the music intrigue you when they get a crowd
You can‘t dance, I know you wish you could
I got my eyes on you baby, ‘cause you dance so good

Oh Carol, don‘t let him steal your heart away
I‘m gonna learn to dance if it takes me all night and day

Don‘t let him steal your heart away
I‘ve got to learn to dance if it takes you all night and day
Oh Carol

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