I Love Her I Love Her | Chuck Berry | Supertesti.it

I Love Her I Love Her

Testo I Love Her I Love Her

I love her, I love herI love her, I‘m in love with herThere‘s no other problemAs big as the one living without herAh! Mama, we‘ll make itWith her I can take it, I love herI‘m so happy when I‘m about herAnd so lonely without herI love her, I love herI love her, oh, I love herHis mother tried to tell himThat kinda wedlock could bring strifeSo many are against itI offer you peace and joy and lifeWhy risk all the problemsThat may come with her being your wifeAh! He looked up with tears in his eyesSaying, Mother, don‘t you realizeI love her, I love herI love her, I love her, I love herFather advised herThat so many wouldn‘t understandThey‘d more or less resent youIf they even saw you holding his handWhy choose the problems that may face you nowIn this man?She looked up with tears in her eyesSaid, Father, do you realizeThat I love him, I love himI love him, I love him, I love himThat‘s why I love herI love her, I love her, I love herThere‘s no other problemAs big as the one living without herMama, we‘ll make itWith her I can take it, I love herI‘m so happy when I‘m about herI love her, I love herI love her, I love her, I love her

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