Oh What A Thrill | Chuck Berry | Supertesti.it

Oh What A Thrill

Testo Oh What A Thrill

Oh, well, well, well, you‘ve blown my clouds awayMy rains have gone and my sunshine‘s here to stayAnd I feel so good I could really get down todayHollerin‘ yes, yes! Oh, what a thrillHollerin‘ yes, yes! Oh, what a thrillIf you say I can stay, baby, you know I willI could stay here all evenin‘ listenin‘ to the music you playThose same sweet songs of a golden yesterdaySqueezin‘ and teasin‘ and pleasin‘ the evenin‘ awayHollerin‘ yes, yes! Oh, what a thrillHollerin‘ yes, yes! Oh, what a thrillIf you say I can stay, baby, you know I willI will wake up in the morning and do the same sweet thingsRockin‘ with the record that the same sweet people singAll the clouds from the west go east, you confess it is springHollerin‘ yes, yes! Oh, what a thrillHollerin‘ yes, yes! Oh, what a thrillI want you to want you to love you of your own free willBaby, you‘re so beautiful to want me here to stayI would be here forever but I gotta die somedayBut I will be lovin‘ you, baby, when I pass awayHollerin‘ yes, yes! Oh, what a thrillHollerin‘ yes, yes! Oh, what a thrillI will love you like a lover loves a lover always

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