Sue Ann Sir | Chuck Berry |

Sue Ann Sir

Testo Sue Ann Sir

If I don‘t get a letter from Sue tomorrow I‘m a catch the next eastbound je-je-je-jetI done write her four wrotes now in a row and I ain‘t got nare a heard ye-ye-ye-yetI writ Sue an‘ told her if I don‘t see somethin‘ soonI‘m a-have ta start sneckin‘ in d-d-d-d-d-d-doorsShe writ back and sey, if you don‘t send somethin‘ soonI‘m a-have to sell somethin‘ of y-y-y-y-y-yoursSue don‘t allow me to m-m-mess aroundShe say the folks back home begin to t-t-t-t-talkI got to get my reputation b-b-back againAnd settle down and start walkin‘ the ch-ch-ch-ch-chalkWhat be lookin‘ good to d‘gooseIs gotta be groovy to d‘g-g-g-g-gandTwo birdies in a bush ain‘t worth as much as oneTwitchin‘ right there in yo‘ h-h-handI sent Sue somethin‘ so I b-b-be safeShe writ and sey I mighty nigh b-b-b-blew itIt won‘t matter which one wh-what you doIt b-be‘s in the way dat you d-d-d-d-d-do it

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