The Little Girl From Central | Chuck Berry |

The Little Girl From Central

Testo The Little Girl From Central

The little girl from Central that all the boys acclaim,
The way she sings and dances, she?s gonna build a name.
She turns down romances, but then who could blame,
The little girl from Central, she?s got her heart on fame.

The little girl?s a scholar and a beauty too,
The sweet ways about her will take effect on you.
She?s got a world of talent, knows just what to do,
The little girl from Central, a tweedle dee dee doo.

The little girl?s creative, a repertoire that rings,
And Hollywood is waiting, to see the way she swings.
She?ll be graduating, goin? on to higher things,
The little girl from Central is gonna take on wings.

The little girl?s a scholar and a beauty too,
The sweet ways about her will take effect on you.
She?s got a world of talent, knows just what to do,
The little girl from Central, a tweedle dee dee doo.

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