EVOCATION | Hermetika | Supertesti.it



many light years away, there's a small blue world
around the sun Acrux, there's Juhulnyos, but Juhulnyos, is a dying world

evocation by the ancestors
is coming
to save the world, and so...
the evocation will be redemption
from evil... to love

your time is over now, nowhere to run
the evil and the war have divided, so divided, your heart

RIT (x2)

dejad ya la maldad
es tiempo de crear
usad la mentalidad

Huvo un tiempo una vez
cuando el hombre tuvo un gran poder
era la creatividad
siempre el fuego de la humanidad


around the sun Acrux, there's Juhulnyos
and now they see the light, with the eye of the mind
over the time line, where there's no dawn
around the sun Acrux, there's Juhulnyos...

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