C-lebrity | Queen | Supertesti.it


Testo C-lebrity

(Queen + Paul Rodgers)

Ain‘t got no hope
Got no idea
What to do
Or why I‘m here
Wanna get my face
On your TV
I wanna be heard
I want to be seen

Ain‘t got nothin‘
Nothin‘ to show
Make me a c-lebrity

I want to be
A face on TV
(I wanna be on your screen)
Then you can see
I‘m a c-lebrity

I wanna get my features
In magazines
See this creature on every street
On every screen
Write my life story
Before I‘m twenty one
I got to tell the world
They may say I‘m dumb but er

Ain‘t got nothin‘
Nothing to show
Make me a c-lebrity

I want to be
A face on TV
(I wanna be on your screen)
Then you can see
I‘m a c-lebrity

I wanna be a star
In a Broadway musical
They‘re gonna love me
I can‘t sing or dance at all
Some may say I‘m lackadaisical
And if I was real good
I‘d stand no chance at all
I want to be
A face on TV
(Yeah I wanna be on your screen)
Then you can see
I‘m a c-lebrity
Then you can say
You knew me one day
Then you will see
I‘m a c-lebrity

C c-lebrity
Wanna be a c c c-lebrity
Make my dream come true
C c-lebrity
Wanna be a c c c c-lebrity
I wanna be heard
I want to be seen
On every TV screen

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