Las Palabras De Amor (The Words Of Love) | Queen |

Las Palabras De Amor (The Words Of Love)

Testo Las Palabras De Amor (The Words Of Love)

Don‘t touch me now
Don‘t hold me now
Don‘t break the spell darling, now you are near
Look in my eyes
And speak to me
Those special promises I long to hear
Las palabras de amor
Let me hear the words of love
Despacito mi amor
Love me slow and gently
One foolish world, so many souls
Senselessly hurled through the never ending cold
And all for fear, and all for greed
Speak any tongue but for God‘s sake we need
Las palabras de amor
Let me hear the words of love
Despacito mi amor
Let me know, this night and evermore
This room is bare
This night is cold
We‘re far apart and I‘m growing old
But while we live, we‘ll meet again
So then my love we may whisper once more
It‘s you I adore
Las palabras de amor
Let me hear the words of love
Despacito mi amor
Touch me now - oh wooh hoo
Las palabras de amor
Let us share the words of love
For evermore (for evermore)
For evermore

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