Mr. World | Filo Vals |

Mr. World

Testo Mr. World

Imagine a world where you can stop the time
Look outside your window and simply enjoy the sunshine
Singing Na na na na na na
Singing Na na na na na na

Imagine a world where shooting stars aren’t that far
They aren’t shy and rather dying they stay alive
Singing Na na na na na na
Singing Na na na na na na

Oh Mr World Mr World why aren’t you like this?
Oh Mr World Mr World tell us how can we change it?

Imagine a world where none feel shame
Getting to know people is not just another chess game

Singing Na na na na na na
Singing Na na na na na na

Imagine a world where people have balls
To relate each other instead of trying to build up walls

Singing Na na na na na na
Singing Na na na na na na

Oh Mr World Mr World why aren’t you like this?
Oh Mr World Mr World tell us how can we change it?

Oh Mr World Mr World why aren’t you like this?
Oh Mr World Mr World tell us how can we change it?

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