Èkó | Coldplay | Supertesti.it


Testo Èkó

Joseph rode in on a beam of light
Stray dogs to welcome him, fights, corrugate cathedrals
The sight of the pilgrim going nowhere in millions of cars

Lagos a dream in the distance
For promises he'd made behind where there was no harvest
But he missed the sky and its circus and countless the stars

In Africa, the rivers are perfectly deep and beautifully wide
In Africa, the Mothers will sing you to sleep
And say "it's alright child, it's alright"

In Africa, we dance in the water and hold each other so tight
In Africa, the Mothers will sing you to sleep
And say "it's alright child, it's alright"

Joseph rode in on a beam of light
Dreamed of his Queen by his side
There'll be a beautiful sunset
And you'll be a beautiful bride

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