( You Want To) Make A Memory | Bon Jovi | Supertesti.it

( You Want To) Make A Memory

Testo ( You Want To) Make A Memory

Hello again, it‘s you and me
Kinda always like it used to be
Sippin‘ wine, killing time
Trying to solve life‘s mysteries
How‘s your life, it‘s been awhile?
God it‘s good to see you smile
I see you reaching for your keys
Looking for a reason not to leave
If you don‘t know if you should stay
If you don‘t say what‘s on your mind
Baby just breathe
there‘s nowhere else tonight we should be
You want to make a memory?
I dug up this old photograph
look at all that hair we had
it‘s bittersweet to hear you laugh
your phone is ringing I don‘t wanna ask
If you go now I‘ll understand
If you stay Hey I‘ve got a plan
We‘re gonna make a memory
You want to steal a piece of time?
You can sing the melody to me
And I can write a couple of lines
You want to make a memory?
If you don‘t know if you should stay
And you don‘t say what‘s on your mind
Baby just breathe
there‘s nowhere else tonight we should be (we should be)
You want to make a memory?
You want to steal a piece of time?
You can sing the melody to me
And I can write a couple of lines
You want to make a memory?
You want to make a memory?

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