Blood Money | Bon Jovi |

Blood Money

Testo Blood Money

Hey Patty Garrett that‘s what I used to call you
They tell me you want me but I hear they‘ve got you
They made you a lawman with a badge made of silver
They paid you some money to sell them my soul

But you say this ain‘t about me, this ain‘t about you
Or the good and the bad times we‘ve both been through
When the lines between brothers and justice have changed
You do what you‘ve got to cause you can‘t walk away

I wonder what would have happened
If you were the killer
And I was the hero
Would things be the same
Or would I have traded
Your life for my own life
Would I have paid
Your debts in your place


Blood money
That‘s what I call it
‘Cause money for blood ain‘t no fair exchange
Blood money
Bought and then sold you
But your conscience is all you can take to your grave

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