Reunion | Bon Jovi |


Testo Reunion

This isn‘t how your story ends, my friends,
It‘s just a fork along the road
Don‘t say your prayers, save your amens,
You‘ve come this far but you‘re still far from home
Don‘t say goodbye, just say farewell
Write every line you live to tell
Hold your head like Harry, give ‘em hell
And as the night ignites the day
Go make some memories along the way

Oh, write your song, sing along, love your life
Learn to laugh, dare to dance, touch the sky
Take pictures each step of the way
Make this the best of the rest of your days
Start your revolution and I‘ll see you at the reunion

Some friends will go and some will stay,
Okay, some last a chapter, some a page
For some love comes disguised as lust
But you‘ll find love when you find trust someday
Do better than our parents did
In perfect wealth and wife and kids
Go draw your course then turn it upside down
Go live your life, eyes open wide
Well who‘s to say what‘s wrong or right

Write your song, sing along, love your life
Learn to laugh, dare to dance, touch the sky
Take pictures each step of the way
Make this the best of the rest of your days
I say, go start your own revolution
And I‘ll see you at the reunion
Well, I‘ll see you at the reunion

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