Everyday Goodbyes | Maroon 5 | Supertesti.it

Everyday Goodbyes

Testo Everyday Goodbyes

she sits all alone reading books and drinkin wine
admires all the cracks by the doorway
she tries to look happy but shes slowly running out of smiles
gracefully wasting away
who is gonna make the birds sing?
who is gonna be her everything?
everyday goodbyes
she foolishly tries to convince herself that she‘ll be fine
she blows all her kisses to noone
as the phone rings again, she just closes her eyes
she covers her ears and screams "please not today!"
who is gonna make the birds sing?
who is gonna be her everything?
everyday goodbyes
she cries and then she sighs
and gets down on her knees yelling "i don‘t believe what has happened to me"
she cries and then she sighs
and gets down on her knees yelling "i don‘t believe what has happened to me"
who is gonna make the birds sing?
who is gonna be her everything?
everyday goodbyes

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