Rag Doll | Maroon 5 | Supertesti.it

Rag Doll

Testo Rag Doll

Rag Doll
How you feeling
When the day has had it´s way
With the both of us
I´ve gone out of my way
But I´m not free
From this pain I´m breathing
I was a full to think
someday you would come around
No no noo
I‘m not thinking that way
cause now I see
You are not what you seem
you are a mystery to me
sometimes I just want to scream
I think you should just go away cause
Theres no necessity for you to stay
and next time you come around my way
Forget it baby your not coming in
How´s your day been yaaa
cause mine has taken
strange and ugly turns
But no no noo
I feel better today
cause im on my knees
You are not what you seem
You are a mystery to me
Sometimes I just want to scream
I think you should just go away cause
There´s no necessity for you to stay
and next time you come around my way
forget it baby your not coming in
A heart lived for a life of sorrow
No you can´t come back tomorrow
Shut my windows lock my doors
Cause my heart
wont be your rag doll any more
I think you should just go away cause
There´s no necessity for you to stay
and next time you come around my way
Forget it baby your not coming in
A heart lived for a life of sorrow
No you can´t come back tomorrow
Shut my windows lock my doors
Cause my heart
won´t be your rag doll any more
Cause my heart won´t be
Your rag doll any more

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