Tangled | Maroon 5 | Supertesti.it


Testo Tangled

I‘m full of regret
For all the things that I‘ve done and said
And I don‘t know if it‘ll ever be ok to show
My face ‘round here
Sometimes I wonder if I disappear
Would you ever turn your head and look
See if I‘m gone
Cause I fear
There is nothing left to say to you
That you wanna hear
That you wanna know
I think I should go
The things I‘ve done are way too shameful
You‘re just an innocent
a helpless victim of a spider‘s web
and I‘m an insect
going after anything that I can get
so you‘d better turn your head and run
and don‘t look back
cause I fear
There is nothing left to say
To you
That you wanna hear
That you wanna know
I think I should go
The things I‘ve done are way too shameful
And I‘ve done you so wrong
Treated you bad
Strung you along
Oh shame on myself
I don‘t know how I got so tangled up

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