Wake Up Call - Mark Ronson | Maroon 5 | Supertesti.it

Wake Up Call - Mark Ronson

Testo Wake Up Call - Mark Ronson

I didn‘t hear what you were saying.
I live on raw emotion, baby.
i answer questions never maybe.
And I‘m not kind if you betray me.
So who the hell are you to say "we".
I never would have made it babe.

If you needed love,
Well then ask for love.
Could have given love,
Now I‘m taking love.
And it‘s not my fault,
Cause you both deserve.
What is coming now,
So don‘t say a word.

Wake up call,
Caught you in the morning
with another one in my bed.
Don‘t you care about me anymore?
You care about me?
I don‘t think so.

Six foot tall.
Came without a warning so,
I had to shoot him dead.

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