Glum | Davide Rossi |

Nel 2019 con questo brano l'artista Davide Rossi ha partecipato a X Factor Italia classificandosi 4

Testo Glum

Now everything seems to disappear
covered in silence mixed to fear
here comes the night, the clicking of time
behind my lies nothing is real
I don’t know what I did wrong
what I know is that you’re
gone without saying a word
and maybe I should let you go

I feel glum glum glum
since you left me here my love
please come round round round
I can’t stand my life without you
down, down, down
since you’re gone I feel so down
please come round round round

What I know is
that I love you so
yes I really do

Now I lock the door I stare at the wall
black is the sky out of the window
silence come clean whispering me
the beat of my heart while I lose sleep
I don’t know what’s changed in me
what’s for sure is that you’re
gone without saying a word
and maybe I should get on my life

I feel glum glum glum
since you left me here my love
please come round round round
I can’t stand my life without you
down, down, down
since you’re gone I feel so down
please come round round round

What I know is
that I love you so
yes I really do

I’m not really something special
without someone lovin’ me
I’m not really good at nothing
without you

I feel glum glum glum
since you left me here my love
please come round round round
I can’t stand my life without you
down, down, down
since you’re gone I feel so down
please come round round round

What I know is
that I love you so
Yes I really do

Playlist Spotify

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