We Can Get It All Together | Lenny Kravitz | Supertesti.it

We Can Get It All Together

Testo We Can Get It All Together

Wrapped up in sorrow
Illusions I can't by words explain
Caught up in nothing
Confusions has turned my world insane

Deliver me from loneliness
Deliver me from selfishness
Deliver me from brokenness
Deliver me so we can get it all together
I thank you Father
For giving me life beyond the grave
Blood is the power
So now I don't have to be afraid

I hear the truth I know the taste
I read your word I feel your grace
I need to do an about face
Right into you so we can get it all together

We can get it all together
Get it together

Oh it feels so good to be alive
I'm gonna do my thing fulfill this life
Walking right in my path today
I'm gonna hold your hand tight all the way

Deliver me from loneliness
Deliver me from selfishness
Deliver me from brokenness
Deliver me so we can get it all together

We can get it all together

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