A Long And Sad Goodbye | Lenny Kravitz | Supertesti.it

A Long And Sad Goodbye

Testo A Long And Sad Goodbye

Papa, who‘s to blameWhy you never had your fortune and famePapa what did you gainTo leave the love you had for a two-bit damePapa why did you turn your backWhy didn‘t you stay on trackWhy did you leave and make her cryPapa you meant to the world to meWhy did you abandon meNow it‘s a long and sad goodbyePapa what is this gameWith all that cheating you did you‘re going to go insanePapa I am in painCause on the day you left you said I‘d do the samePapa, why did you turn your backWhy didn‘t you stay on trackWhy did you leave and make her cryPapa you meant that world to meWhy did you abandon meNow it‘s a long and sad goodbyePapa Papa Papa NoOh papaPapaOh papaNoOh papaWhy did you turn your backWhy didn‘t you stay on trackWhy did you leave and make her cryPapa you meant the world to meWhy did you abandon meNow it‘s a long and sad goodbyePapa Papa PapaNoOh papaOh papaOh papaNo no no stay

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